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60. Dragan, Simona A.; Olsen, Kenneth W.; Moore, Edwin G.; Fitch, Alanah. Spectroelectrochemical study of hemoglobin A, alpha- and beta-fumarate crosslinked hemoglobins; implications to autoxidation reaction. Bioelectrochemistry (2008), 73(1), 55-63. 59. Fitch, Alanah: Service-Learning : An Oxy-Moron in the Physical Sciences? Or 10 years of Service Learning, Where To?, In Press, ACS Symposium Series Chapter. 2007 58. Fitch, Alanah, Ward Mavura, Michael Kishimba, Alice Muriithi, Sharing Instrumentation globally, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 2006, 384: 7-10 57. Swearingen, Carla and Alanah Fitch: Effect of clay charge on capacitive currents in clay nanocomposites, Environmental Science Technology, 2004 49. Macha, S., Gregory Zayia, J. Du, Jenny Stein, and Alanah Fitch, Invited paper, Applied Clay Science: Tailoring Layered Clay FilmStructures Through Control of Aqueous Electrolyte.Applied Clay Sci., in press, 1999 48. Fitch, A. Lead Analysis: Past and Present, Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 1998. 28(3), 267-345. 47. Dragan, Simona, Fitch, A.,: FTIR measurements of Lead. J. Chem. Ed. Special Edition. 1998, 1018-1021. 46. Fitch, Alanah, Yunlong Wang, Sungho Park and Pal Joo. Intelligent Design of Thin Clay Films: Transport and Tailoring. Book chapter in The Latest Frontiers of Clay chemistry: Proceedings of tehSapportConference on the Chemistry of Clays and Clay Minerals (Sapporo, Japan, 1996). Ed. Akihiko Yamagishi and Akiko Aramata. The Smectite Forum of Japan, Sendai, Japan, 1-16. 1998 45. Macha, Susan and Alanah Fitch: Clays as Architectural Units at Clay-modified Electrodes Mikrochimica Acta. 1998 . Vol. 128, 1-2, 1-17. 44. Joo, Pal and Alanah Fitch. Ionok es molekulak mozgasa hidrofobizalt montmorillonit filmekben. J. of the Hungarian Chemical Society. Magyar kemiai Folyoirat. 1997.103, 365-372. 43. Joo, Pal and A. Fitch: Transport Process at Hydrophobized Montmorillonite-modified Electrodes, Env. Sci. Tech. 1997, 31, 2186-2192. 42. Park, Sungho, A. Fitch, and Yunglong Wang. Computation Studies for the Diffusional Differences in Ru(NH3)63+, Co(en)33+, and Co(sep)3+ Through Montmorillonite clay. J. Physical Chemistry B. 1997, 101, 25, 4889. 41. Fitch, A. Book Chapter in Building Community: Social Science in Action (Ed. P. Nyden, A. Figert, M. Shibley, and A. Borrows) Pine Forge Press, Feb. 1997. 40. Brunzell, Joe, Alanah Fitch, Yunlong Wang, and Steve Pavkovic, Cis-diaquo-bis(2,2'-bipyrimidine-N,N' Cobalt(II) diperchlorate dihydrate. Acta Crystallographica 1996, c52, 2984-2987. 39. Fitch, Alanah, Yunlong Wang, Sean Mellican, and Susan Macha: Lead Lab Teaching Instrumentation with One Analyte. Analytical Chemistry, 1996, Dec. 1, 727A. 38. Joo, Pal, Alanah Fitch, Sean Mellican, S. Macha, Inorganic Semiconductor Nanoparticles and Organic Semiconductor Nanowires in Clay-minerals: Electrochemical and Fiber Optic Survey, In "Nanoparticles in Solids and Solution, An Integrated Approach to their Preparation and Characterization", Ed. J. H. Fendler, I. Dekany, B. Vincent, Publisher: Kluwer, 1996, 529-541. >37. Fitch, Alanah, Yunlong Wang, Sungho Park and Malgorzata Marjanski: Molecular Basis for Transport in Nanoporous Media: Utility of Clay-Modified Electrodes: in New Directions in Electroanalytical Chemistry, Ed., J. Leddy and R. Mark Wightman. 1996J. Electrochem. Soc. Pennington, N.J. pages. 248-262. 36. Joo, Pal and A. Fitch. Ionic and Molecular Transport in Hydrophobized Montmorillonit e films: An Electrochemical Study. Env. Sci. Tech., 1996. 30, 9, 2681-2686. 35. Stein, J. A. and A. Fitch, Effect of Clay Type on the Diffusional Properties of a Clay-Modified Electrode, Clays Clay Miner., 1996, 44, 3, 381-392. 34. Fitch, A., J. Song, and J. Stein, Molecular Structure Effects on Diffusion in Clays, Clays Clay Miner., 1996, 44, 3, 370-380. 33. Joo, Pal and Alanah Fitch. Ionok Js molekulBk mozgBsa hidrofobizBlt montmorillonit filmekben. J. of the Hungarian Chemical Society. Magyar K魩ai Folyt 102. 鶦. 1996.1.57.25-32. 32. Fitch, A. and J. Du., Solute Transport in Clay Media: Effect of Humic Acid, Env. Sci. Tech.,, 1996, 30, 1, 12-15.. 31. Fitch, A., J. Du, H. Gan, and J. W. Stucki. Effect of Clay Charge on Swelling: A Clay-modified Electrode Study, Clays Clay Miner., 1995, 43, 5, 607-614. 30. Fitch, A. Applications of Electrochemistry to the Study of Transport Phenomena in Layered Clays: Access in Nanoporous systems: Plenum Press, 1995, Ed. T. J. Pinnavaia and M. F. Thorpe, N.Y., 93-110. 29. Tipping, E., A. Fitch, and F. J. Stevenson, Proton and Copper Binding by Humic Acid: Application of a Discrete Site/Electrostatic Ion-Binding Model, European J. Soil Sci., 1995 , 46, 95-101. 28. Stein, J.A. and A. Fitch, Computerized System for Dual Electrode Multi-Sweep Cyclic Voltammetry: Its Use in Clay-Modified Electrode Studies, Anal. Chem.1995, 67, 8, 1322-1325. 27. Krzysik, R. J., Alanah Fitch, and C. Zheng. Co(bpy)33+, Co(bpy)32+, and (-)d-Cr(bpy)33+ at Clay-Modified Electrodes: The Role of Valence in Nonequilibrium Transport of Cr(bpy)33+, J. Electroanalytical Chemistry, 1994, 379, 129-134. |